Vocabulary Word List B

All Adjectives starting with letter B

Word Part of Speech   Meaning
balneal adj Relating to baths
banal adj Repeated too often, Commonplace, Lacking in originality
bellicose adj Willingness to fight, Quarrelsome, Belligerent, Combative
bemused adj Puzzle, Confuse
beneficent adj Doing good, Generous, Altruistic, Humanitarian
benevolent adj Sympathetic, Philanthropic, Kindly
benign adj Beneficial in nature, Cordial, Tender, Generous
bent adj Determined, Curved , Morally crooked, Corrupt
bestial adj Savage, brutal
bicameral adj Two-chambered
bifurcated adj Branched, Forked, Separated
bleak adj Providing no shelter, Barren, Desolate
blithe adj Carefree, Playful, Lightsome
blunt adj Having a broad rounded end, Dull, Stark
bohemian adj Unconventional in behavior , Gypsy, Traveller
bombastic adj Pompous talk or writing, Nonsense, Claptrap, Humbug,
boorish adj Ill-mannered, Loutish, Unsophisticated, Churlish, Rude
bountiful adj Producing in abundance, Large in quantity, Prolific, Lavish, Plentiful
brackish adj Saline, Slightly salty, Briny, Distasteful
brash adj Offensively bold, Arrogant, Brazen, Assertive
brawny adj Physically strong, Herculean, Muscular, Sinewy
brazen adj Audacious, Immodest, Made of brass, Unabashed
brobdingnagian adj Huge, Immense, Gigantic, Great in size, Vast
brusque adj Abrupt in speech or manner, Blunt , Sharp, Gruff, Peremptory
bucolic adj Idyllically rustic, Pastoral, Provincial, Peasant, Rural
burlesque adj A literary or dramatic work, Mockery by caricature, Comic skit

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