Vocabulary Word List A

All Nouns starting with letter A

Word Part of Speech   Meaning
abscission n Act of cutting off
abstinence n Refrain  from, To be away from
acclivity n Climb, Raise, Upward Slope
accomplice n A partner in an unethical plan
acoustics n Study of sound, Cures, Remedies, Physical Science
acrophobia n Fear of great heights.
acumen n Shrewdness, keen insight
adjutant n An assistant to a senior officer, aide
advent n Arrival, coming
aegis n Endorsement, protection, Breastplate
affray n Disturbance, noisy quarrel, fracas, an altercation
agglomeration n Accumulation, Act of collecting in Mass
agility n Nimbleness, Ability of a person to act quickly
alacrity n Eagerness, Smartness, Briskness
alcove n Bay, Small Opening of  a larger room
allegiance n Commitment, Loyalty
amalgam n A blend of different things; alloy, the mixture of metals
ambush n  Trap, wait in hiding to attack, hunt by stalking
amnesty n Pardon, Exempt offenders from punishment
amulet n Talisman, A small neckpiece thought to be a  protection against evil
anachronism n Something out of place in time, Mistiming
anacoluthia n Abrupt Change in Sentence structure
ancestry n Descendants of one person, Inherited properties
animadversion n Censure, Harsh criticism, Disapproval
animus n Feeling of ill
anomie n Lack of moral standards in a society
anonymity n Namelessness, No identity
anthology n A collection of literary and musical work
antidote n Remedy to control poison
antithesis n  Opposite, contrast
apathy n Absence of emotions, Spiritlessness
aperture n An opening, a hole, the adjustable opening in a camera that limits the amount of light that can enter.
aplomb n Poise, assurance, coolness under stress
apogee n Final climactic stage
apostate n Deserter, Disloyal to religion, Ratter
appellation n the words by which someone or something is classified
approbation n Approval, Recognition, Commendation
appurtenance n Accessory, add-on, Supplement
apse n A domed projection of a building or a church
arboretum n Botanical Garden, a place where trees and plants cultivated
ardor n Excitement, Intense devotion, Zeal, Passion, Fervor
argosy n Fleet, Large merchant ships
armada n A large Fleet
arroyo n A gully, a stream
arsenal n Store for weapons and equipment, place where arms are manufactured
artifice n Ruse, clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially used to trick or deceive
aspersion n Defamation, Slur, Disparaging remark
asylum n Shelter from hardship, A shelter for  Refuge
atonement n Compensation for  the wrong
attribute n Assign, a construct by which a person or object distinguished
attrition n Abrasion, Erosion by friction
avalanche n A sliding mass of snow and ice
aversion n Distaste, Feeling of intense dislike, Averting
awl n Pointed hand tool
axiom n An established statement or proposition, Accepted, Maxim

All Adjectives starting with letter A

Word Part of Speech   Meaning
abash  adj Embarrass
aberrant  adj Deviant, very different from normal behavior
abraded  adj Scrub, Abrased,  Wear away
abstemious  adj Light, Temperate, Indulging moderately in food and drink
abstruse  adj Obscure, Arcane, Difficult to understand, Puzzling
acarpous  adj Unfruitful, Barren, Not producing fruit
acrid  adj Sour, Acidic, Pungent, Strong and a sharp smell
adamant  adj Uncompromising, Rigid,  Firm, Hard like a diamond
adjoin  adj Neighbour, Butt, Extend as far as
adjunct  adj Acquired or having an inferior position, Adjacent to
adventitious  adj Happening by chance, Extrinsic, Unexpected
aesthetic  adj Artistic, Related to beauty
affable  adj Cordial, Amiable, Friendliness
agape  adj Mouth open wide as a wonder
agnostic  adj Doubter, One who denies  the existence of divine beings
agog  adj Highly excited, very eager or curious, keen, Anxious
agrarian  adj Farming, Agriculture, Cultivation
aleatory  adj Unpredictable, Relating to luck
alimentary  adj Nourishing, Nutrient
alluvial  adj Related to soil deposition
aloof  adj Distant, Remote in manner, Unapproachable, Reserved
ambidextrous  adj Double – Tongued, Equally skillful with both hand
ambiguous  adj Having more than one possible meaning, Equivocal
amiable  adj Affable, Cordial
analogous  adj Comparable, Equivalent to, Similar,  Cognate
antediluvian  adj Ancient, Archaic,  Extremely old
anthropomorphic  adj Human – like characteristics
antipathy  adj Distaste, Feeling of intense dislike
antiquated  adj Old Fashioned, Outdated, Obsolete
antithetical  adj Mutually Incompatible, Contradictory
apocryphal  adj Questionable, Fictitious, Spurious, False story
apparent  adj Seeming, Manifest, Clearly Visible, Noticeable
appease  adj Mollify, Quell, Assuage, Pacify, Conciliate
apposite  adj Appropriate, Suitable, Fitting, Pertinent
aquiline  adj Curved down like eagle’s beak, angular, bent
arable  adj Farmland, Cultivable
arboreal  adj Related to trees
arcane  adj Mysterious knowledge, Concealed, Enigmatic, Covert
archaic  adj Old Fashioned, Antique
arduous  adj Laborious, Stiff, Difficult, Strenuous effort, Relentless
arenaceous  adj Sand or sand like particles
arid  adj Waterless, Lacking Spirit
arrant  adj Complete, Stark, Unmitigated, Unadulterated
ascetic  adj Rigorous self-discipline
aseptic  adj Process to sterilize
asperity  adj Severity, Acrimony, Quality of being hard, harsh manner
assertive  adj Self-confident, Self – assured
assiduous  adj Showing great care, Sedulous, Attentive, Studious
assorted  adj Various kinds put together, Motley, Heterogeneous, Manifold
astral  adj Related to stars
astute  adj Clever, Shrewd, Sharp, Brilliant, Wise, Sagacious
asunder  adj Apart, Widely separated,
atypical  adj Irregular, Deviating from normal expectations
audacious  adj Fearless, Daring, Insolent, Barefaced, Take risks
august  adj Respected, Renowned, Eminent, Acclaimed
avid  adj Excessively desirous, Keen, Zealous, Ardent, Fanatic
autocratic  adj Exercising unwarranted power, Dictatorial, Bossy, Dominating

All Verbs starting with letter A

Word Part of Speech   Meaning
abase  v Degrade someone, Disgrace, hurt one’s pride
abbreviate  v To shorten; to make smaller
abdicate  v To renounce under oath a right, position, or responsibility.
abhor  v Regard with disgust, Execrate, Abominate, Hate
abjure  v Deny, Disclaim, Formally reject a belief, Renounce, Disavow
abominate  v Detest, Loathe, Great Hatred, Abhor
absquatulate  v Abscond, Leave abruptly, Run away, Go off, Decamp
acclimate  v Adjust to certain climate
accost  v Address Boldly, Approach and speak aggressively
accrue  v Grow by addition, Arise, Ensue, Getting possession
acquiesce  v Agree, Accede, Accept with reluctance
addle  v Mix up, Confuse, Puddle, Muddle
adduce  v Cite as Evidence, Proof in an analysis, Reason
adjure  v Request earnestly, Conjure, Entreat, Command Solemnly
admonish  v Reprimand firmly, Express disapproval, Caution, Warn
adumbrate  v Describe briefly, Outline, Foreshadow, Sketch
advert  v To refer to it,  Make reference to, To turn attention
aerate  v Expose to fresh air
affront  v Deliberately offensive act, Insult
aggrandize  v Increase the power, status, Wealth, to make something appear greater
agitate  v Stir briskly, Jolt, Disturb public opinion
allay  v Calm, Assuage, Ease, Relieve, Satisfy
allude  v Call attention indirectly, hint, Advert, Suggest
allure  v Incline, Entice, To attract with something desirable, Tempt
amalgamate  v Joined together into a whole, Combine, Merge, Consolidate
ameliorate  v To make better, Amend, Improve
annex  v Attach to, Take as if by conquest
annihilate  v Carry Off, Destroy, Obliterate, Eliminate
annul  v Declare Invalid, Nullify, Revoke, Cancel Officially
appall  v Horrify, Fill with apprehension, Outrage, Dismay, Shock
appraise  v Asses the value or quality, Valuate, Gauge, Estimate
apprehend  v Arrest, Take into custody, Catch, Capture
apprise  v Advice, Appreciate, Inform, Make aware of
arbitrate  v Referee, Umpire, Intermediate,  Act between teams to reconcile differences
arrogate  v Claim without justification, Seize, Acquire, hijack
assail  v Assault, Violent attack, Lash out, Set on
assay  v Analyze
assent  v Expression of approval, Accede, Agree, Concur
assimilate  v Imbibe, Ingest, Absorb, Make Similar
assort  v Classify, Keep company with, Associate, Affiliate
assuage  v Satisfy, Relieve, Soothe, Dampen, Allay, Calm, Mollify
astonish  v Amaze, Surprise, Astound, Stun
attenuate  v Reduce in strength, Faded, Weakened
augment  v Enlarge, Increase, Grow, Extent
avert  v Avoid, Turn away, Obviate, prevent from happening

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