Triangle Exercise 2

 Triangle Review:   Fundamentals of Triangle ,  Formula’s for Triangle , Types of Triangle , 45° – 45° – 90° Triangle , 30° – 60° – 90° Triangle , Congruent Triangles, Similar Triangles

Class Questions:   Practice Examples 1,   Practice Examples 2

Practice Questions :   Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3 ,  Exercise 4




What is the area of Δ XYZ in the following figure?

Triangle 13

A.     12

B.     16√2

C.     64

D.     48

E.     8√2

Solution ;

The above triangle is 45° – 45° – 90° .  If  XY = YZ = a  then   XZ = √2 a

16 = √2 a

a = 16/√2

Area of XYZ =  ½   x  base  x  height

=    ½  x 16/√2  x  16/√2

=  64

The correct answer is ‘C’.



Refer below figure.

triangle 14

Quantity A                                                               Quantity B

m                                                                                60

A.    If Quantity A is greater

B.    If Quantity B is greater

C.    If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal

D.    The relationship cannot be determined from given information


The above figure is looking like an equilateral triangle, but the length of sides are given in terms of variables so we need to calculate by taking different values for variable ‘a’.

If a = 1; then a + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2, all three sides will be ‘2’; that means all the sides of triangle are equal. So the triangle is an equilateral triangle and the value of m° = 60°. Quantity A is equal to Quantity B.

If a = 2; then 2+1 = 3, then the sides of triangle will be 3, 3, 2. It will be an isosceles triangle. That time value of angle  m may not be 60°.

Hence, the information given is not sufficient to arrive at any conclusion.

The correct answer choice is ‘D’.

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 Triangle Review:   Fundamentals of Triangle ,  Formula’s for Triangle , Types of Triangle , 45° – 45° – 90° Triangle , 30° – 60° – 90° Triangle , Congruent Triangles, Similar Triangles

Class Questions :   Practice Examples 1,   Practice Examples 2

Practice Questions :   Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3 , 
