
Circles Review – Fundamentals of CirclesFormulas for Circle,  Congruent CirclesTangent to a circlePolygon inscribed in a Circle  , Circle inscribed in a circleConcentric Circles

Class Questions –  Exercise 1         Exercise 2      Exercise 3        Exercise 4      Exercise 5

Practice QuestionsSolutions


Q.1         In the following figure circle C1 circumscribed a square and again that square circumscribed another circle C2. What is ratio of the area of Circle C1 to Circle C2

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                                   A.   π – 1
B.   2π
C.  4/√2
D.   4π – 3
E.    2


If we draw some lines in the figure ; it will be as follows


Suppose radius of Circle C2 = PR = r
                Area = π r2
                Area of square = 2r x 2r = 4r2
                 To find Diagonal of triangle QPR apply Pythagorean Theorem
                                                      PQ2 = PR2 + QR2
                                                                = r2 + r2
                                                                = 2r2
                                                PQ = r √2
              Diagonal of triangle = Radius of Outer circle C1 = PS = PQ = r √2
                Area of Circle C1 = π x (r √2)2
                                                 = π x r2 x 2
                                                 = 2 π r2
Now the ratio of Circle C1 to Circle C2 =   2 π r²/ π r2
                                                                                = 2

            So answer is E.

In the below figure a circle is inscribed in a Quadrilateral PQRS, then a + b =?

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A.   200
B.   150
C.    125
D.   210
E.    305

Solution ;

Addition of angles of a quadrilateral = 360° . When any quadrilateral circumscribed a circle , then addition of its opposite angle should  be 180°.
                 A + 55 = 180 , so a  = 180 – 55 = 125
                B + 95  = 180 so b = 180 – 95 =  85
                 Hence a + b  = 125 + 85 = 210

               Correct answer choice will be ‘D’.

In the above figure  four congruent circles having radius ‘a’ with center A, B, C and D are tangent to each other. Then what is the area of shaded region?

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A.  a2 (4 + π)
B.  (4π – π)
C.   44 – a
D.  a2 (4 – π)
E.   16


If we draw lines and join the center of circles we will get following figure;
Now solving this problem become quite easy
Radius of each circle is ‘a’ so length of segment AB = CD = ’2a’ and segment AC = BD = ‘2a’
Area of square will be = length x length = 2a x 2a = 4a2
Area of each circle = π x a x a = π a2
Area of quarter of a circle   =  π a² / 4
Area of ‘4’ quarters = 4 x  π a² / 4
                                               = π a2
So area of shaded region    = Area of square – Area occupied by quarters of circles
                                                    = 4a2 – π a2
                                                   = a2 (4 – π)

The correct answer choice is D.

                     XY = AB = Diameter of circle with center O.
                Quantity A                                                                Quantity B
                   m                                                                                         n
A.  If Quantity A is greater
                     B.  If Quantity B is greater
                    C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
                    D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information


As the line segments XY and AB both are diameter of circle. The opposite angels will always be same at point of intersection ‘O’.
Angle XOA = Angle BOY, i.e. m = n.

So correct answer will be C.

Q. 5      If 12 hour ancient circular wall  clock’s needle moves  from 2 o’ clock to 5 o’ clock,  then how much distance it will cover if radius of  clock is equal to length of hour needle , which is 8.
      A.    4π
       B.    2π + 9
       C.    69 +π2
       D.   (81 – 3) π
       E.   9π+7


If we draw a figure as per given data it will look like this,


For each hour, needle will move 30°. When it will reach from 2 O’clock to 5 O’clock, it would have moved 90°. So Central angle of circle = 90°
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The correct answer is A.

Q.6       In the below figure K is the center of Circle and vertex of a square is touching it from inside
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                                Quantity A                                                                          Quantity B
                                Radius of Circle                                                                     25
 A.  If Quantity A is greater
 B.  If Quantity B is greater
C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information


After joining we can see that Segments  PK = KM = Radius of Circle= r
If we draw a line joining point P to point K
       PK = Radius of Circle = r,
                Using Pythagorean Theorem, we can easily find out
                                                    r2    =    52 + 52
                                                                =    25 + 25
                                                                =    50
                                                           =   25 x 2
                                               Taking root both sides
                                                r =   5√2
                If we compare Quantity A with Quantity B the value of Quantity A will be greater .

So answer choice is A.

Q. 7 In the following figure L is center of circle;
                                    Quantity A                                                      Quantity B
                                        x                                                                      55
                    A.  If Quantity A is greater
 B.  If Quantity B is greater
C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information


     The addition of three sides of angle should be = 180°
Angle M = 180 – 110 = 70
Angle O =58
Angle L = x = 180 – (70 + 58) = 52
If we compare Quantity A which is = 52 and Quantity B = 55, Hence Quantity B will be larger than Quantity A,

    The answer is B.

 In the above figure if DF = k, which is double the radius of each circle. ‘D’ and ‘F’ are center of circles respectively. Then what is the area of shaded region?


        A.   πk4
         B.    4(-k)
         C.    πk²/4
         D.    ½  kπ2
          E.     π k²/ 24



Hence correct answer Choice is E.

Q.9     Two circles each having diameters ‘j’ are inscribed in a rectangle PQRS.
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                           Quantity A                                             Quantity B
                        Diagonal PR of rectangle                                  5 j
A.  If Quantity A is greater
 B.  If Quantity B is greater
C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information


Draw lines and join points P,R and Q,S
 Apply Pythagorean Theorem to solve it further
QR = Diameter of one circle + Diameter of second circle = 2 x j
                        PQ = Diameter of circle = j
                        PR2 = PQ2 + QR2
                                    = j2 + (2j)2
                                    = j2 + 4j2
                                    = 5j2
                        Taking square root both side
                                    PR = j √5
            Quantity A = Diagonal PR of rectangle = j√5 = √5 times of j
            Quantity B = 5j = j5 = 5 times of j
            If we compare both the quantity then Quantity B will be larger than Quantity A.

So the correct answer choice is B.

An equilateral triangle with a perimeter 24 is inscribed in a circle. If radius of circle is equal to side of triangle then what is the perimeter of circle?


Draw a sketch
Equilateral triangle perimeter is 24 so each side will be   =  24/3 = 8
Radius of circle = side of triangle = 8
So perimeter of circle = 2 x π x r
                                    =  2 x  π x 8
                                    = 16π

Correct answer is A.
