Solution Data Analysis MS Guide

Q.1 – Q.2 ,   Q.3 – Q.4  Q.5  ,  Q.6 ,  Q.7  , Q.9 , Q. 10  , Q. 11  Q.12 ,   Q.13 , Q. 14 , Q. 15   Q.16 to Q. 19

Answer 16

Refer the figure from the book;

Mean = 65 cm.

Total  3000 penguins,  , standard deviation = 5cm.


Number of Penguins with height between 65  to 75 cm .

The difference is   75 – 65 = 10 , i.e. 2 standard deviation above the mean.

Here we will take two ranges of standard deviation  = 34 % + 14 % = 48% (See figure in the book)

Hence ,

 48 % of 3000

         = (3000 x 48 )/ 1000

        = 30 x 48

         = 1440


Probability of penguin’s height  less than 60 cm.

Our mean is 65 cm. , Standard deviation is 5 cm.,

So penguin’s height lesser than  60 cm.  is 65 – 60 = 5 ;  1 deviation  below the mean.

Take the values from the figure given  in the book  = 14 % + 2 % =  16 %

Probability of penguin’s height below 60 cm. is  0.16.

As answer is asked nearest to  0.05

 We will round off the value of probability which is 0.16  nearest  to 0.15.

Answer 17.

Refer the graph from the book;


It is very much clear that expenditure in  1998 was 135 billion dollars  and in 1997, expenditure is  115 billion dollars

Difference is  135 – 115  = 20 billion dollars, which is highest among all.

So correct answer is 1998.

See the following table also.

Year Total Expenditure

( Billion dollars)

Increase in total expenditure compared to the previous year

(Billion dollars)

 1987 40  –
1988 42 42 – 40  = 2
1989 45 45 – 42  =  3
1990 58 58 – 45  =  13
1991 65 65 – 58  = 7
1992 66 66 – 65  = 1
1993 78 78 – 66  = 12
1994 88 88 – 78  = 10
1995 95 95 – 88  =  7
1996 100 100 – 95  = 5
1997 115 115 – 100  = 15
1998 135 135 – 115  = 20
1999 140 140 – 135  = 5
2000 149 149 – 140  = 9
2001 160 160 – 149  = 12

( b ).

In 2001 private school expenditure was  30 billion dollars and  total expenditure was  160 billion dollars


(30/160)x 100

=  18.75 %  nearly equals to  19%

Answer 18.


25 million = (25/150)  x 100

= 16.66 %

We will take all the values greater than 16.66 %

So,  the workers in Agriculture , Manufacturing and  Clerical  categories are above  16.66 %

Hence the answer is ‘Three’.


Ratio of Agriculture Category  in 2001 to  Projected numbers in 2015

Number of workers in agriculture category in 2001  = 18% of 150 million

Numbers of workers in agriculture category in 2015 = 24 % of 175 million

Ratio of agriculture woker in 2001 to  2015  =  (18 x 150) /(24 x 175)

=  9/14 or  9 to 14

( c ) .

In 2001

Number of workers in  Sales = 8% =  8 x 150 = 1200  million

Number of workers in Service = 15% = 15 x 150 = 2250 million

Number  of workers in Clerical = 20% = 20 x 150 = 3000 million

In 2015

Number of workers in  Sales = 7% =  7x 175 = 1225 million

Number of workers in Service = 16% = 16 x 175 = 2800 million

Number  of workers in Clerical = 20% = 18 x 175 = 3150 million

From the above calculation it is clear that there is a increase in number of workers in all the three categories, i.e. I , II , III

Answer 19.


In 2003, Mortgage ,Insurance and  Property Tax  +  Savings = 24 % + 25% =  49%

In 2004 Mortgage ,Insurance and  Property Tax   = (27/100) x 45000 = 12150

In 2004 , Savings  = (12/100 ) x 45000 = 5400

Total = 12150 + 5400  = $ 17,550

( b).

From the graph we can observe that there is highest percent increase in expenditure in  

 “MISCELLANEOUS”  category which is around


Q.1 – Q.2 ,   Q.3 – Q.4  Q.5  ,  Q.6 ,  Q.7  , Q.9 , Q. 10  , Q. 11  Q.12 ,   Q.13 , Q. 14 , Q. 15   Q.16 to Q. 19

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