Practice Questions

Circles Review – Fundamentals of CirclesFormulas for Circle,  Congruent CirclesTangent to a circlePolygon inscribed in a Circle  , Circle inscribed in a circleConcentric Circles

Class Questions –  Exercise 1         Exercise 2      Exercise 3        Exercise 4      Exercise 5

Practice QuestionsSolutions


Q.1         In the following figure circle C1 circumscribed a square and again that square circumscribed another circle C2. What is ratio of the area of Circle C1 to Circle C2

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                                     A.   π – 1
B.   2π
C.  4/√2
D.   4π – 3
E.    2
In the below figure a circle is inscribed in a Quadrilateral PQRS, then a + b =?
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A.   200
B.   150
C.    125
D.   210
E.    305

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In the above figure  four congruent circles having radius ‘a’ with center A, B, C and D are tangent to each other. Then what is the area of shaded region?
A.  a2 (4 + π)
B.  (4π – π)
C.   44 – a
D.  a2 (4 – π)
E.   16
XY = AB = Diameter of circle with center O.


                             Quantity A                                Quantity B
                                   m                                                    n
                     A.  If Quantity A is greater
                     B.  If Quantity B is greater
                    C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
                    D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information
Q.5            If 12 hour ancient circular wall  clock’s needle moves  from 2 o’ clock to 5 o’ clock,  then how much distance it will cover if radius of  clock is equal to length of hour needle , which is 8.
       A.    4π
       B.    2π + 9
       C.    69 +π2
       D.   (81 – 3) π
       E.   9π+7
Q.6 In the below figure K is the center of Circle.

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                               Quantity A                         Quantity B
                            Radius of Circle                           25
 A.  If Quantity A is greater
 B.  If Quantity B is greater
C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information
Q. 7                         In the following figure L is center of circle;


                            Quantity A                              Quantity B
                                        x                                                 55
A.  If Quantity A is greater
 B.  If Quantity B is greater
C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information


 In the above figure if DF = k, which is double the radius of each circle. ‘D’ and ‘F’ are center of circles respectively. Then what is the area of shaded region?
         A.   πk4
         B.    4(-k)
         C.    πk²/4
         D.    ½  kπ2
          E.     π k²/ 24
Q.9                Two circles each having diameters ‘j’ are inscribed in a rectangle PQRS.

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                          Quantity A                                           Quantity B
                        Diagonal PR of rectangle                                  5 j
A.  If Quantity A is greater
 B.  If Quantity B is greater
C.  If Quantity A and Quantity B are equal
D.  The relationship cannot be determined from given information
An equilateral triangle with a perimeter 24 is inscribed in a circle. If radius of circle is equal to side of triangle then what is the perimeter of circle?
               A.  16π
               B.   π/8
               C.  16π2
               D.  20
               E.  (π– 8)