Percent – Math

Reveiw : Percent Increase and Decrease , Cumulative Percent , Simple and Compound Interest

Practice Examples 1,   Practice Examples 2


Percent is used to represent ratios of part to whole where whole is 100. It is represented with symbol  “ %” that means  divided by 100 or 1/100.

Fraction Equivalent  to  Percent

30 %  = 30 x 1/100 = 3/10

25%   = 25 x 1 / 100  = 1/4

50 %  = 50 x 1/100  = 1/2

100 %  = 100 x 1/100 = 1

1 % =       1 x 1/100     = 1/100

0.25%  = 0.25 x 1/100  = 0.25/100

0.50 %  = 0.50 x 1/100 = 0.50/100

0.01% = 0.01 x 1/100 = 0.01/100

Decimal Equivalent to Percent

To convert  the Percent to Decimal , put a decimal mark ahead of two digits of percent.

  • 100 %  =  1.00
  • 90 % =  0.90
  • 80 % = 0.80
  • 68% = 0.68
  • 25% = 0.25
  • 1 % =       1 x 1/100     = 1/100 = 0.01
  • 0.25%  = 0.25 x 1/100  = 0.0025
  • 0.50 %  = 0.50 x 1/100 = 0.0050
  • 0.01% = 0.01 x 1/100 = 0.0001



Finding percent of Part:

Now, we will be given part of  a whole and we have to find out that this part is what percent of whole.



Example 6 :  42 is  70% of what number?

Answer ;   Here we have to find the whole ,

Percent                          Whole

70                                       42

100                                     ?

After  cross multiplying we will get

= 100 x 42 / 70

= 60

So 42 is 70% of 60.

Base Value

The initial amount of any quantity is  the base value.

Percent Change

When the quantity changes from its initial value it is being referred as “Percent Change” ; like water in a tank used ,  Salary of a person changed,  Interest rates on savings etc.

Percent Increase – When the quantity increase from starting initial value  is called as Percent Increase. An increase of 100% in a quantity means 100 % + 100 % = 200% of initial amount. Similarly an increase of 500 % is total 100% + 500 % = 600 % of initial amount.

Percent Decrease – When the quantity decreases from starting initial value is known as Percent Decrease . The  decrease of 30% in a quantity means the final value will be 70% of initial value. Like if water level in a tank decreased by 25% that means now it will have 100% – 25% = 75% water in the tank.

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