Nouns in English

“A noun is a word we use for the name of the person, place or things.”


Types of Nouns:

1. Proper Noun

Recognizing a person or place with his or its names known as

Proper Noun.  They always begin with ‘capital letter’.

Julia, James, Alia, Ellis, Victoria, London, Brazil, Canada, New York , Australia , Disneyland ,  Great Wall of China , Philip etc.  all are  examples of proper noun.

2. Countable Nouns & Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns:

The nouns which can be counted like book, student, car, rubber, eraser, pen, computer, horse, orange, etc.

Hint:  a. we can identify these nouns by the articles and quantifiers in the sentence as “a, some, a lot of, an, a few, many, e.g.  an apple, an orange, a book, many students, a lot of toys, many balls

            b.   In countable nouns we may have plural forms.

Uncountable Nouns:

The names of the things which we cannot count like oil, milk, salt, sugar, hair, flour, sand, gravy, silver etc.

Hint:  a. we can identify these nouns by the quantifiers like large amount of, some, much, little, more, small, etc.

b. we need to go singular in uncountable nouns ; a  large cup of coffee –  not as ‘a cup of coffees’ , one truck of sand – not as truck of sands , etc.


3. Collective Nouns

A collective noun is a name given to a group or collection of persons, animals, or things.

We can identify this noun by the words like; fleet, group, crowd, troop, army, committee, block, cluster, packet etc.


A team of players, an army of soldiers, a nest of rabbits, a brood of chickens, a pride of lions, a cluster of stars, a packet of cards .

4. Number Nouns

 A. Singular Noun: The name of person, place and thing for only one in number e.g. girl, shopping mall, shop, book, cat, lion, eraser, computer, cigarette, teacher, woman, etc.

B.  Plural Noun: This is referred to more than one person, place or thing e.g. girls, shopping malls, books, cats, lions, erasers, computes, cigarettes, teachers, women, etc.

5. Gender Nouns

A. Masculine Noun: The nouns used to identify male like; man, boys, waiter, dog, lion, cock, brother, king, etc.

B. Feminine Nouns:  The nouns used to identify female like;  Women, girl, lioness, queen, nun, hostess, lady, daughter, etc.

C. Common Nouns:  A noun that used to identify both male and female like; child, baby, servant, thief, cook, neighbour, infant, etc.
