Most Frequent Words 6

LacerateTear, Mangle, Rend, To Hurt
MaimInjure, Blemish, To Impair
NascentIncipient, Beginning to Exist
ObeliskTall Column, Four sided Stone
PaeanSong of Praise, joy, triumph
PageAttendant as a noun
QuagmireDifficult Situation, Dilemma, Scrape
RaconteurStory Teller
SadistPerson who enjoys in troubling others
TantalizeTease, Provoke, Taunt, Frustrate
UnabashedShameless, Embarrassed
VaingloriousConceited, Boastful, Inordinate Self Pride
WallowIndulge, Swim, Bask
VoguePrevailing Fashion, Rage, Mode, Trend, Craze