Important Words List 9

AbjureRenounce, Retract, Formally reject
AbjectWretched, Miserable, Showing Humiliation
BalladSong, A narrative song or poem, Lay
BallastCounterbalance, Electric device for starting lamps
CadenceRhythm, Beat, Measure, Near to music
CandorFrankness, Ability to make judgment
De jureLegally, According to law
EbbRecede, Flow back , Reflux
FacileEasy, Eloquent, Fluent, Smooth spoken
GargantuanLarge, Giant, Jumbo, Great Mass
HalcyonSerene, Prosperous
IgnobleDishonorable, Ungentle, Lacking nobility
ImbibeDrink, Soak up, Absorb, Take in
JostlePush, Shove, Forcing your way by pushing