Important Words List 11

Word Meaning
FjordInlet, narrow inlet of sea between steep cliffs
GambitPlot, Stratagem, Ploy, Gain an advantage
GossamerThin and Flimsy, Sheer, Transparent , Vapoury
Haughty Arrogant, Disdainful, Imperious, Sniffy
IlkKind, Sort, Type, Like
InfidelGentile, Person who do not believe in your God
JuggernautUnstoppable Force
LampoonSatirize, Mockery, Parody, Spoof
ManumitSet free from slavery, Emancipate
NetherBeneath the surface of earth, Under, Chthonian
ObtuseSlow, Dumb, Stupid, Lacking Intellectual Acuity
PaleolithicStone age
QuarryPrey, Game, Target
RelishZest, Enjoy, Savor, Tang, Smack