Guide Solution Data Analysis

Q.1 – Q.2 ,   Q.3 – Q.4  Q.5  ,  Q.6 ,  Q.7  , Q.9 , Q. 10  , Q. 11  Q.12 ,   Q.13 , Q. 14 , Q. 15   Q.16 to Q. 19

Answer 1 (a)

Mean  = Addition of all numbers/ total Numbers

=  ( 61 +62 + 65 + 65 + 65 + 68 + 74  + 74 + 75 + 77)/ 9

= 686 / 10

Mean= 68.6

Median = The Middle Number  =  (65 + 68)/2

 Median  = 66.5

Mode  = The  most repeated number

Mode  =  65

            Range = Maximum Value – Minimum Value

             = 77 – 61

Range  = 16

Answer 1 (b)

Each day is warmer by 7 degrees, so  every number will be added by 7

New numbers will be  : 68 , 70 , 72, 72, 72 , 75 , 81, 81, 82,  84

that means  to find mean ,  just add  7 x 10 = 70 to addition of mean to the above question 1(a)

Mean = (686 + 70) / 10

            = 756 / 10

   Mean =  75.6

 Median = ( 72 + 75 )/2

Median = 73.5

 Mode = Most  repeated  number

Mode = 72

Range = Maximum – Minimum

            =  84 – 68

Range = 16

Answer 2


First arrange the numbers in ascending order

19 , 21 , 22 , 22, 28 , 31 , 33 , 44 , 50

Mean =  (19 + 21 + 22  + 22 + 28 + 31 +33 + 44 +50) / 9

          =  270/9

              Mean   = 30

Median  = Middle Number

             Median   =  28

Mode = Most repeated number

                         Mode   = 22

 Range = Maimum – Minimum

=  50 – 19

       Range  =  31

 Interquartile Range  Q2 =  Third Quartile(Q3)  –  First Quartile(Q1)

Here the list of  numbers is odd so take Quartile 1 as below the median 28   and  Quartile 3 as the above the median 28.

As  28 is our Median ;

First Quartile will be    19 ,  21 , 22 , 22

Median of First Quartile = Q1 =  (21 + 22) / 2   =  21.5

Third Quartile will be   31 , 33 , 44 , 50

Median of Third Quartile =   Q3 = (33+44)/2 =38.5

Interquartile Range Q 2 = Q3 – Q1

= 38.5 – 21.5

Interquartile Range Q 2= 17


    Passengers in each flight increased 3 times

     Mean = (270 x 3) / 9

                =    810/9

    Mean   = 90

After 3 times increase in passengers the list will be

57 , 63 , 66, 66 , 84 , 93 ,  99 , 132 ,  150

Median = Middle Number

Median =  84

Mode  = Most repeated  Number

Mode  =  66

Range =  Maximum – Minimum

            =   150 – 57

Range=  93

Interquartile Range  Q2 = Q3 – Q1

                First Quartile is 57 , 63, 66 , 66

Median of First Quartile = Q1 =( 63 + 66) / 2

                                          =  64.5

Third Quartile is  93 , 99 , 132 , 150

Median of Third Quartile Q3 = (99+132) /2

                                   =  115.5

Interquartile Range Q2 = Q3 – Q1

                                   = 115.5 – 64.5

 Interquartile Range Q2 = 51

Standard Deviation of   57 , 63 , 66, 66 , 84 , 93 ,  99 , 132 ,  150

Numbers Mean
  A B  C =  A – B  D = C2
57 90 -33 1089
63 90 -27 729
66 90 -24 576
66 90 -24 576
84 90 -6 36
93 90  3 9
99 90  9 81
132 90 42 1764
150 90 60 3600
Total Sum of ‘D’  = 8460

Average of Squares  or column ‘D’  = 8460/9

= 940

Standard Deviation  = √940  = 30.65  = Approximately  30.7

(  c) .

 Each flight had  2 fewer passengers than

List of Passengers  will be  17 , 19 , 20 , 20 , 26,  29 , 31 ,  42 , 48

Median  = 26

First Quartile   ;  17 ,  19 , 20 , 20   (Consider the Numbers below median 26)

Median of First Quartile Q1 =  (19 +20) /2

                                                 = 19.5

Third Quartile ;  29 , 31 , 42, 48 (Consider the Numbers above median 26)

Median of Third Quartile Q3 = ( 31+ 42)/2

                                           = 36.5

Interquartile Range Q2 = Q3 – Q1

                              =  36.5 – 19. 5

Interquartile Range Q2 = 17

Standarad Deviation

Mean  = ( 17 + 19 + 20 + 20 + 26 + 29 + 31 + 42 +48 )/9


=  28

Numbers Mean
  A B  C =  A – B  D = C2
17 28 -11 121
19 28 -9 81
20 28 -8 64
20 28 -8 64
26 28 -2 4
29 28 1 1
31 28 3 9
42 28 14 196
48 28 20 400
Total Sum of ‘D’  = 940

Average of Squares  or column ‘D’   = 940 /9

                               = 104

Standard Deviation = √104

Standard Deviation =  10.198   Approximately  = 10.2


Q.1 – Q.2 ,   Q.3 – Q.4  Q.5  ,  Q.6 ,  Q.7  , Q.9 , Q. 10  , Q. 11  Q.12 ,   Q.13 , Q. 14 , Q. 15   Q.16 to Q. 19

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