Prime Numbers

“1” is not a prime number. “2” is the only number which is even and prime. Range Prime Numbers 1 to 10 2, 3, 5, 7 11 to 20 11, 13, 17, 19 21 to 30 23, 29 31 to 40 31, 37 41 to 50 41, 43, 47 51 to 60 53, 59 61 … Read more

Solutions Algebra

Algebra Exercise  :  Q.1 to Q.6 ,  Q.5 and Q.7  ,   Q.8 to Q.14  , Q.15 to Q.18  ,  Q.19 to Q. 21 ( b).                The y – intercept , when x= 0                               y = 02 – 4 x 0 – 12         … Read more

Solutions Algebra

Algebra Exercise  :  Q.1 to Q.6 ,  Q.5 and Q.7  ,   Q.8 to Q.14  , Q.15 to Q.18  ,  Q.19 to Q. 21 Answer 15 Suppose cost to charter the aircraft by 40 people = $ ‘m’ per person The total cost will be = 40 x m If 36 people charter the plane then the … Read more
