
Arithmetic Exercise :  Q. 1 to Q.2 ,  Q.3 to Q. 7 , Q.8  , Q.9 to Q. 15                    (a).   = 15 x 40/100                                           =    6 … Read more


Arithmetic Exercise :  Q. 1 to Q.2 ,  Q.3 to Q. 7 , Q.8  , Q.9 to Q. 15 True of False On the number line we can see that -5 is on left side of ‘0’ while 3.1 is right side of zero , so 3.1 is obviously greater than -5, hence -5 is lesser than … Read more

Solution Guide

Arithmetic Exercise :  Q. 1 to Q.2 ,  Q.3 to Q. 7 , Q.8 , Q.9 to Q. 15 3. Divide all the numbers individually After dividing  312 , 112 and 144 with 8  there is no remainder . When we divide 98 with 8 there is a remainder 2 hence 98 is not divisible by 8. So … Read more


Arithmetic Exercise :  Q. 1 to Q.2 ,  Q.3 to Q. 7 , Q.8 , Q.9 to Q. 15 NEXT PAGE  >>>
