Application Algebra

Algebra Applications Review

Practice Examples 1,  Practice Examples 2


Word Problems or Algebraic Applications are same.

Here we convert the problems given in  words into the expressions with the help of variables.


7 is added to 5 times a variable –


If the variable is ‘y’ then  5 times a variable = 5y

7 added to 5y  will be written as 7 + 5y.


In a  cocktail is mix a of  200 ml  there is 20 % water, 30 % rose syrup and remaining of orange juice. Find out  quantity of orange juice ?


In 200 ml  20% + 30 %  = 50  % is water and  rose syrup so  remaining 50 % is orange juice only , If we take ‘m’ as cocktail mix  which is = 200 ml

then 50 % of  ‘x’ = 0.5 m

= 0.5 x 200 = 100

                 The orange juice will be 100 ml.


The length of a rectangular shelf is 2 times of its breadth. If there is standard sheet of wood of 16 ft. x 16 ft. is available and 8 equal sizes of   rectangular shelves can be cut from it then what is length and breadth of each shelf?


Let breadth is ‘a’;  then length = 2 x a

Area of standard sheet = 16 x 16  = 256

Area of rectangular Shelf = a x 2a  = 2a2

Number of rectangular Shelf from standard sheet of wood =  256/2a2

8 = 256/2a2

2a2 =  256/8

a2 = 16

a = 4

So, breadth of  rectangular shelf = 4 and

Length of rectangular shelf  = 2 x a = 2 x 4 = 8

The Length of shelf= 8  and breadth of shelf will be 4.


If a shopkeeper sells the mobile phone for $ 90 and get 18% profit. Find out the price  the shopkeeper has paid to the manufacturer for the mobile phone?


Suppose if the basic cost of mobile phone is ‘m’,

The shopkeeper makes a profit of 18% i.e. 0.18 m

Then equation will be;

m + 0.18m = 90

1.18 m =90

m = 90 / 1.18

m   = 76.27

The shopkeeper has paid   $ 76.27 to the manufacturer.

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