Types of Sentences in English

A Sentence is a group of words which express the complete sense of speech.

It is composed of three parts i.e. Subject, Verb and Object.

Verb and Object are defined under the term as “Predicate”.

To know about sentence we need to be clear first in following terms;

Clause: A group of words that forms parts of a sentence, having a subject and predicate of its own.

Independent Clause or Main Clause: is a group of words that forms parts of a sentence with one subject and one predicate. It can stand its own.

Subordinate or Dependent  Clause: is a group of words that forms parts of a sentence with a subject and a predicate but it cannot stand its own.

Predicate: A predicate is defined as a group of words that comes after the subject to complete the meaning of the sentence.

1. Simple Sentence:

“A sentence with only one independent clause is known as simple sentence or A sentence with one subject and one predicate is known as Simple Sentence”.
1.The Sun rises in east.
2.Robert go to school everyday.
3.Sheela is a silent girl in the class.
4.The university presidents give speech at assembly hall.
5.The shopkeeper sells vegetables.

2. Compound Sentence:

“A sentence with two or more Main Clauses and linked with conjunctions like ‘but, and, so, as’ is known as Compound Sentence”.
1. Lina got up early but she could  not catch the school bus.
2. Elina loves to dance and she has participated in dance competition.

3. Complex Sentence:

“A sentence with one main and at least one subordinate clause is known as Complex Sentence”.
1. Albert cried when his elder brother got angry on him for tearing his class notebook.
2. He returned the mobile phone after he noticed it was damaged.

Today we have learnt about types of sentence. In the next post, we will understand them in the context of sentence equivalence questions.
