Even & Odd Integers

 Integer Review:    Fundamentals of Integers , Rules for Multiplication , Rules for divisibility,  Division Terminology,  Even & Odd Integer,  Rules about even & odd integer, Prime Number,  Prime Factorization ,  Distinct Prime Number,  LCM & HCF,  Composite Numbers ,  Consecutive Integers

Class Questions :   Exercise 1         Exercise 2         Exercise 3        Exercise 4      Exercise 5

Practice Questions :   Solutions  


Even Integers

The integers which can be divided by ‘2’ with “0” as remainder, is known as even integer. Like 2, 4, 6,8,10 …… all are even integers.

Odd Integers

The integer which cannot be divisible by ‘2’ or in other words when we divide any number by ‘2’, there is some remainder then it is an odd integer. Like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9…… are all odd integer.

Rules and facts about even and odd integers

  • Addition of two even integers is even

              4+6 =10

              12+16 = 28

  • Addition of two odd integers is even

               3+5 = 8


  • Adding one even integer and one odd integer is odd integer



  • Multiplying two even integer results in even integer

             6 x 8 = 48

  • Multiplying two odd integer results in odd integer

             7 x7 = 49

  • Multiplication of one odd integer and one even  integer results in even integer

             3 x 8 =24


 Integer Review:    Fundamentals of Integers , Rules for Multiplication , Rules for divisibility,  Division Terminology,  Even & Odd Integer,  Rules about even & odd integer, Prime Number,  Prime Factorization ,  Distinct Prime Number,  LCM & HCF,  Composite Numbers ,  Consecutive Integers

Class Questions :   Exercise 1         Exercise 2         Exercise 3        Exercise 4      Exercise 5

Practice Questions :   Solutions  
